Truckers Network

Make money, save money

The trucking industry's premier fuel and factoring services, job rating, posting, and hiring platform.


The Truckers Network card is a fleet fueling program offered exclusively to Truckers Network customers. The card helps customers control fuel spending in today's volatile market with negotiated discounts, proactive notices, fuel management, and advanced reporting tools

As a Truckers Network customer when you use your Truckers Network card instead your credit or debit card, you will get incredible savings on your fuel.


Our platform technology offers the most advanced and modernized hiring options to match qualified CDL candidates with Companies at the lowest cost in the industry. With over 200,000 curated CDL Drivers in the Network, companies can find qualified drivers more efficiently than any other hiring platform.


Mobile App

Truckers Network mobile app offers the industry’s most advanced driver technologies, employer tools and advertising solutions. Built for the American Truck Driver, our mobile app offers Diesel fuel card updates, job applications, facility ratings, and special offers to improve everyday work experiences for Drivers.

Rate your shipper

The Truckers Network facility rating and review functionality now offers Drivers the ability to rate, review and share their delivery experience, reduce overall wait times, and improve supply chain efficiency across North America.


Launching soon

Control Your Cash Flow. Our easy factoring services help to get you paid today, cash flow to keep you moving tomorrow, and fuel discounts to keep you saving mile after mile. No hidden fees, no surprises.

Are you prepared for #BrakeSafetyWeek this year?

The annual inspection surge takes place from August 20th to August 26th.

Here at Truckers Network, we are committed to safety industry-wide and encourage our users and drivers everywhere to visit to learn more about keeping their brakes road-ready.

About Truckers Network 

Truckers Network is the trucking industry’s premier job posting and hiring
platform. Our technology-driven solutions offer the most advanced and
modernized hiring options to match qualified CDL candidates with Companies
looking to expedite their hiring processes. Our proprietary system draws from
decades of development and industry insights. With over 200,000 CDL Drivers in
the Network, companies are able to find qualified drivers, fast.

Truckers Network’s sister company, 160 Driving Academy, is the nation’s largest
commercial driving school. As the fastest-growing vocational school in the
country, in 2023, the Company will train over 35,000 students on how to safely
operate a commercial vehicle. 160 Driving Academy operates across 44 states and
each school is certified and licensed by each State agency and the Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Entry Level Driver Training Program. The
160 Driving Academy is integrated with over 400 Workforce offices nationwide to
create jobs for unemployed and underemployed workers.

160 Driving Academy also supplies the largest employers in the nation with
an unparalleled level of recruiting, high-quality training, safety
effectiveness, and driver analytics. Many of these employers have trusted the
160 Driving Academy to provide the majority of their driving workforce. 160
Driving Academy has recently deployed its virtual HAZMAT Certification training course available for any driver looking to boost their credibility as a Trucker.

Click Below to get the latest update of the Truckers Network App!

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